Happy to share the great news with you!
We are proud and happy to announce that we officially opened Anceu’s coliving doors for the Rural Hackers. In this offline and free school, you can learn digital competencies in contact with an open-minded community. The aim of Rural Hackers Academy is to provide free quality education open to everyone.
Nowadays, we have 18 participants, from teenagers to adults, who come to Anceu to learn technology in an inspiring ecosystem.
Why did we start it?
Rural Hackers Academy aligns very much with our Coliving’s values, like:
– having a social impact. Rural teaches us so many things, and we want to give the rural places what we know in the shape of talent, ideas, and possibilities.
– be an inspiration for people – daily, we build a home of talent, learning from everyone.
– we do everything with a bit of technology, and we want to keep and spread further the part that changed our lives.
Rural areas of Galicia are becoming severely depopulated. This fact jeopardizes a way of living, endangers a whole tradition, and disconnects us from our roots.
We envision technology as a plot twister here. Remote working can bring steamy change to rural areas and build new astounding ecosystems.
The rural areas offer endless possibilities and a better quality of life, as demonstrated after the crisis resulting from Covid-19.
Today, more and more people are returning to the countryside. They want to build a more sustainable life in natural environments where they can create a community of coexistence and care.
What are the objectives we want to achieve thanks to Rural Hackers?
WordPress learning
Students will learn WordPress. We will use the WordPress community materials.
Rural Challenges
Each student will develop a project to help a local organization (e.g. a website for an LGBTQ Festival in a rural village close to Anceu.
Mentoring support
Members of the Anceu coliving community and its partners will support the students in their technological and professional development. In addition, each student will have one hour of mentoring per week to answer questions and solve challenges.
Do_Action Hackaton
We will organize an event focussed on using WordPress to give deserving charitable organizations their online presence. It will be organized in September in collaboration with WordPress Foundation and Pontevedra WordPress Camp.
International Network
Students will naturally get to know people from international and national communities by being part of collaborative environments in the coliving and the communities of our partner entities.
Meet the international Network that helped us make this happen
Inspiration is the key to creating new opportunities. We believe that connecting with the right people can change the course of your life. The key to Rural Hackers Academy is part of our international ecosystem. These are our networks:
MigraCode Europe
We are part of the fourth Edition of Migracode. It is an EU-funded project to promote Open Tech Education for refugees, migrants, and vulnerable people. Five organizations from Sweden, Poland, Norway, Greece, and Cyprus participate in this 4th Edition. The aim is to learn from the experience of the Social Hackers Academy from Greece and the other members of the Migracode Network to create a prototype school in Spain and Sweden.
We are part of the board of this international NGO. Thanks to them, we will have 2 European people from the European Solidarity Corps helping with the Solidarity Developers project.
Eleven Yellow
Eleven Yellow is a development and programming company. We will have at least three team members to mentor and support the students.
WordPress Pontevedra
We will present the school in one of the monthly meetings of the WordPress community of Pontevedra, and we will have the support
of one of its founders for guidance and ideas in the project.
Creative Habitat
Creative Habitat is a network of coworking and coliving spaces to create innovative communities between Spain and Portugal.
European Creative Hubs Network
Espacio Arroelo and Anceu Coliving are part of this international Network of creative spaces in Europe. They help us in the creation of European networks.
In the following weeks, we will share our team of participants and their stories and get to know the mentors of Rural Hackers as well.