Discover Anceu Coliver’s Experiences
Let’s discover coliver’s experiences in Anceu. As you know, so far, we love to share the inspiring stories of digital nomads, creatives, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and travellers’ tales and all of their little adventures along the way.
In today’s blog post, we want to let you discover the stories of our colivers and coworkers, Curro and Andreea.
They were happy to share their impressions about our place through video. In addition, they answered some of the most common questions from people who want to visit and experience our Anceu Coliving place.
Questions like: “How did they choose Anceu Coliving?” or “What was their first impression about the coliving place?” to “What are the projects they’re working on here?” and “Why is Anceu Coliving a good place for them?”, they answered to all of that in the videos below.
But before getting there, let’s learn more about coliving and coworking and learn from coliver’s experiences in Anceu in this rural place, Anceu, Galicia – Spain.
What are coliving and coworking in Rural Galicia?
Now that you learned a little about how Anceu Coliving looks and what the possibilities are here, let’s discover some behind-the-scenes stories from our colivers.
Coliver’s Experiences in Anceu – Let’s meet Curro
Tell me a little bit about yourself; who are you? Where are you from?
Curro: I am from Malaga, Spain, I studied geography, and I’m just a male human being, and that’s me.
How did you learn about Anceu Coliving, and why you chose to come to this place?
Curro: I met Agustin four or five years ago in Malaga and randomly met on the street. And then we started to make plans together and stuff, and at some point, he told me that he had this project of building a coliving community in Rural Galicia, and I found it fascinating. So this is how I found out about Anceu Coliving.
When you first arrived here, what was your first impression of this rural coliving place?
Curro: Well, my first impression was exciting because this place it’s adorable. It’s surrounded by nature, which I love. So for me, it was perfect.
While Agustin was building the place, I already knew some details about Anceu Coliving, that it’s nice and stuff. So I already knew it was an inspiring place, but my first impression was great.
So, what is your favourite part about this place?
Curro: The community. I say the community because we do many things together, work together, and have dinners with a theme, which keeps us interacting, and that’s so important for humans. So it’s a nice place to communicate and to be with people.
And what are the projects that you’re working on? What are you doing here?
Curro: At the beginning wasn’t clear to me, but right now, I plan to learn to code, which I am doing right now by learning from the other colivers here. Also, I plan to meet as many people as possible to interact with each other.
What can you tell me about the colivers and coworkers here?
Curro: A lot of things! They love to communicate and connect, so people don’t come to a coliving place to live alone, like in a hotel or hostel. They come for the same reasons as I am, to interact with each other, but at a deeper level. Everyone has their job and projects that they are working on, but after all, we all want different lifestyles. Not the life in the loneliness of a couple or of the same friend circles all the time. They want to know like-minded people and interact with the feeling that they belong to a like-minded community. Everyone needs that sense of belonging.
And why do you think this place is good for you?
Curro: The most crucial part is that I’m learning all the time here, which I think humans should do for the rest of their lives. I like learning, and here is an excellent place to do that, to learn about every possible thing ever. There are so many different people and cultures here… Do you want to study something? Here you can find people related to that topic, or you can debate about any things you want with them.
I think you could not get lucky in your town, circle, or elsewhere to find a friendly community like here to do this. Or at least in my case, it wasn’t easy to find a friendly community in Malaga to do that.
A final message? Why would you encourage other people to try this experience?
Curro: I will tell people that this way of living, having both a community and nature simultaneously, is not always possible, and you have that here.
Coliver’s Experiences in Anceu – Let’s meet Andreea:
Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Andreea: My name is Andreea, I’m 26 years old, and I’m from Romania, and I decided to start my digital nomad path, to try this experience, to see what it is like to work and travel at the same time, and this is me, my first journey.
And did you choose Anceu Coliving?
Andreea: Well, I found out about Anceu Coliving through an online platform called WorldPackers, which allows hosts from different parts of this world to list their place and ask for people to come into co-work and or to volunteer from their homes, and I found out about this coliving and coworking area, and I loved what I saw on the website. After that, I found out that they have a website. I read the Anceu Coliving blog articles; after that, I entered Google, Facebook, and Instagram. They were already all over the place. The more I read and watch pictures about this place; I become excited and thrilled to know this place. So this is how I found out, step-by-step.
What was your first impression of this rural coworking and coliving space?
Andreea: When I first got here two weeks ago, I was impressed by the immensity of the place. It’s enormous, and it’s very close to the forest. You don’t have any other houses around, like a big neighbourhood. So you feel like you have this house and the entire forest. It’s yours. And I felt a feeling of freedom and community at the same time, because many colivers were here already, but also plenty of places to walk in nature. So it was impressive the first time because when I came here, I went with no expectations, just to be surprised. And it surprised me with everything, from people to place, to feel, to vibe, to everything. I love that coliver’s experiences in Anceu in different and we can learn from eachother.
What do you enjoy the most about the Anceu Coliving community?
Andreea: First thing is people, the community, because we do many things together, from cooking together, sharing stories, having fun activities, going by the lake, going by the swimming pool, going to groceries or waterfalls… I love the people because they bring a lot of experiences together.
Are the projects you are working on?
Andreea: I’m working on creating social media content for Anceu Coliving. Take pictures and videos, and bring awareness about this place on social media platforms. Another project that I’m working on is the Inside-Out Project. This project’s a global movement that brings awareness about specific communities regarding a cause, and you can make this cause visible through people’s portraits. So I’m involved in this project by taking pictures of people. Later on, these portraits will be posted all over Ponte Caldelas City. So in this way, we want to bring awareness about the importance of Rural Revitalization and how to revive rural communities and places. After all, we all want to find that place to connect with nature and where we can escape from the urban areas. So we want to bring awareness about the value that rural locations have.
What can you tell me about the other colivers and coworkers from Anceu Coliving?
Andreea: Since I’ve been here only for two weeks, I didn’t have the chance to know them that deeply, but I’m the closest to the other volunteers I work alongside: Curro and Tano. I’m impressed by their kindness, their patients, and their help all the time. I can say other things about the other colivers because I like that everybody’s like-minded. We share the same values about life, working, and freedom. Interestingly, everybody works in the digital space but in different fields. So it’s exciting to learn about social media, coding, virtual gaming, or data analysis. Here you can expand your knowledge about digital space in general through other coworkers and colivers.
Why is Anceu Coliving good for you?
Andreea. That’s a good question because I’m on a path now where I don’t know what to do further in my life. “What will be the fixed path that I walk on?” Here I have the inspiration, creativity, support, space, and freedom to test, try, and discover new things myself me. So I think this place is good for me because it allows me to be me, find out who I am and what I want, and tap into new ideas, projects, And new skills that I didn’t know I might like.
So, in a couple of words, what would you say? Why is this place suitable for you?
Andreea. It’s a transformation.